Sunday, May 3, 2009

Business Research: Marketing 101

Have you ever needed media and you need the exact name, phone number, email or fax number for whom you must contact?

Have you ever wanted the most established, reliable website / trade magazine to research a specific field of business?

  • announce a public service message about something your organization is doing
  • invite the public to an event
  • advertise in the media about a good or service
  • communicate a newsworthy incident you just witnessed
  • determine a magazine's topic schedules from year to year
  • locate a website researching the industry of your concern, not just a website trying to sell you something
Some websites are for amateurs, while others have political aims. How do you get in touch with the right media with so many commercial establishments on the internet? Each business is vying for your attention, and google's priority is to support those businesses who are advertising, not to hook you up with the best trade research or media voice.
The complexity is compounded when you are reaching something unfamiliar or new. Salesmen and tradespeople especially need to know the appropriate time to announce a product or service or how best to reach the right people at the right time.
Don't struggle for hours trying to do this sort of thing with google. This is one example where google just does not work.
Bacons gives the exact contact information including email address, fax and telephone number for every columnist, editor, broadcast manager for every television, cable, & radio station, every newspaper, magazine and newsletter publisher. You can learn that some prefer email, some prefer you to send a fax, some focus more on the topic's politics, others on the topic's technology. Now you can find the food columnnist, the lifestyle and seniors events desk, the person who publishes a business calendar in Bend or Albuquerque...
Standard Rate and Data Service Direct Marketing List Source includes mailing-lists of businesses for example... who use steel, software, sell insurance, or reach medical patients, to lists of people who are... antique car enthusiasts, catholic charity supporters, contractors, dog grooming consumers... you name it.
Special Issues is a database is used to pinpoint the the best, most authoritative places (websites, magazines) to begin for trends and current practices in any technology or trade. Special Issues tracks salary surveys, lists of top businesses, and websites or trade journals that really care about the specific area you are supposed to research for your business. Assistance by a librarian at Beaverton City Library is required.
Business and Company Resource Center gives you polished printouts of industry surveys, market research articles, lists of businesses, and full-text articles from the trade journals which they index. Also included are company reports, histories, and investment data.

Contact Jill Adams, librarian, if you need assistance with business research and you are located in the Beaverton area (503) 350-3613

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