Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Marie's Favorite Film Pics

Over the years we have been offered film recommendations from such great film reviewers as Leonard Maltin, Jeffrey Lyons, Joel Siegel, and Portland's own Shawn Levy, among others.

When we have conversations with friends about movies, invariably everyone will come up with a few movies that they can't wait to share with you. That is how I've discovered some of my favorite movies.

Well it is now my turn to share with you some of my film favorites for you to enjoy for the first time or revist if you have already seen them.

Gather friends and family along with your favorite movie snacks and enjoy!

Enchanted April DVD (1992).

This is a delightful drama that tells the tale of 4 unhappy British women who need to escape their stifling lines in London in the 1920's. They decide to rent a quaint castle by the sea in Italy for the month of April. During their stay the place works its magic on everyone as they fall under its romantic spell and the women learn much about themselves and their relationships.

The "enchanting" Italian settings in Portofino, Liguria, Castello Brown, and Genoa cast a spell over those who view the film. They sure made me feel like I was there.

Moonstruck. DVD (1987)

In Moonstruck, Loretta Castorini, a Brooklyn bookkeeper in her late 30's, decides that it is time to marry again and accepts a proposal from a nice, middle-aged man named Johnny Cammareri. (Her first marriage ended when her husband passed on and she is convinced she was cursed because theygot married in City Hall instead of in a church.)

The story gets interesting when her fiance goes to Italy to see his controlling mother who is "again" on her deathbed. Before he leaves he asks Loretta to visit his estranged brother to invite him to their wedding.

The meeting of Loretta and Johnny Cammareri sets off all kinds of sparks
and the complications that follow will keep you laughing and
wanting more.

For fans of this movie, lines like: "Johnny Cammareri!!!!!" and "Snap out
of it?" and "When you love them they drive you crazy because they know
they can." and "A bride without a head! A wolf without a foot!" and "Birds fly
to the stars - I guess.", along with many others bring back fond memories of
this movie.

Whales of August. DVD (1987)

For those who have never seen the following 3 great film actors, Betty Davis, Lillian Gish and Vincent Price, the Whales of August is a great introduction.

This relatively unknown film is set in the summer in Maine in a seaside home where two elderly widowed sisters have spent there summers for 50 years.

Libby is blind and hard to live with and Sarah is her very devoted sister.

Enter an aging count who tries to sweep Sarah off her feet. Unfortunatley
jealous Libby sabotages the romance.

The theme of whether Sarah should sell the summer cottage and find a
place for Libby to live out the rest of her life weaves its way through the film.

The interior details of the old cottage, the sounds of the wildlife,
the sun shimmering off the water, and the amazing interactions
between the characters draws one into this little slice of life.


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