Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fantastic True Stories...

These non-fiction books read like fiction! But it's all true...

It's easy to forget that as humans, we are all primates. In "A Primate's Memoir," neuroendocrinologist and MacArthur Fellowship grant recipient Robert Sapolsky describes his post-graduate years in Kenya researching baboons in this immensely readable, hilarious, and impassioned book.

How would you survive for 76 days lost at sea alone in a life raft? Steve Callahan's book "Adrift" will give you some ideas. Steve was lost at sea after something rammed into his sailboat causing it to sink in stormy seas. He had just enough time to gather some food, a few flares, a spear gun, a solar still for desalinating sea water, and his nautical charts. His story is a heroic tale of ingenuity, perseverance, discipline, and survival.

Imagine an oil spill larger than the Exxon Valdez spill. Now imagine this oil spill is on land, spans 15 years, and is in your neighborhood. This is what Joe Kane sets out to capture in his book "Savages." "Savages" describes the plight and the fight of the Huaorani tribe in Ecuador's Amazonian rain forest as they learn to live with the crushing demands of civilization on their land, their heritage, and their way of life. It is an unforgettable story.

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