2009 is here and so is the chance for all of us to get healthy. It doesn't matter what we attempted to do last year and didn't accomplish. Remember the famous words of the character Scarlett O'Hara from the book Gone With the Wind: "Tomorrow is another day." Well that day is here and it is ours.
The following books will assist us in getting the information we need to select the right foods and recipes to help us get healthy.
McGraw-Hill, 2009.
According to nationallyknown nutritionist Lisa Drayer, it's not what you put on your body, but what you put in your body that makes you beautiful. Her book reveals her top 10 beauty foods. Her easy-to-follow program offers a four-week meal plan with more than 100 recipes.
ChefMD's big book of culinary medicine: a food lover's road map to losing weight, preventing disease, and getting really healthy. by John La Puma and Rebecca Powell Marx. Crown Publishers, 2008.
Dr. La Puma, renowned physician and professionally trained chef, offers a step-by-step eight week plan to motivate you and help you change your life by teaching you how to eat the right food so your "inner doctor" can do its work.
Dr. La Puma, renowned physician and professionally trained chef, offers a step-by-step eight week plan to motivate you and help you change your life by teaching you how to eat the right food so your "inner doctor" can do its work.
John Wiley, 2008.
Created by the experts at The Culinary Institute of America, this title is an indispensable companion in today’s health-conscious world. Drawing on the latest dietary guidelines, it provides detailed information for cooks eager to introduce more flavorful, healthier choices to their menus. Nearly 150 vibrant, all-new color photographs showcase finished dishes and illustrate the techniques, ingredients, and equipment of healthy cooking.