This is an illustration of the catalog display. Clicking on a red book will tell it that you want to reserve a specific copy. This can be helpful when you see newer editions and older editions all blended in from library to library. The libraries that hold on to their old copies may have limited resources but many libraries purchase new copies. Just a quick tip but on to the main show: Insurance
There are many ways to shop for insurance.
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners puts out several consumer guides to shopping for insurance, including Auto, Home, Life, Cancer, Long-Term, Deferred and Fixed Annuities, and Medigap.
The Beaverton City library furnishes ratings guide to Health Insurers , ratings guides to Property and Casualty Insurers, and ratings guide to Life and Annuity Insurers to you in the library's reference collection. They are located on the Index tables.
Medicare is another big decision time. Here is a book we get called All About Medicare that may clarify the structure of medicare benefits. The Social Security Handbook is another regularly purchased item that is based on the presentation of public domain data on the Social Security website.
Nolo Press's popular Social Security, Medicare and Government Pensions is another guide for consumers. Ask at the library for these and other resources on Insurance. To reserve a current copy, here's a tip: To distinguish between copies that one library may have that are from 2004 which are too old, review the tip up at top, which is to click on the red book for a specific hold on a specific copy.